Posted in freecodecamp, web dev

Palindrome Checker

I made a palindrome checker (prompt from freecodecamp, not a tutorial). I had some difficulty figuring out the Regex, but once that was sorted, things went pretty well.

I didn’t get around to doing any CSS but I am happy with the JS. I left in some of the things that didn’t work so I have reference for what I tried vs what code was successful. Added a few notes as well.

The goal going forward is to write posts as I work on things so that I can take notes on my thoughts and what works/doesn’t.

my palindrome checker

Next thing I’m working on is a Roman Numeral converter. I have some basic stuff down but I was trying to figure out how to simplify things. I probably should just finish and worry about simplifying later.


Web Developer with art and design experience - recently laid off and using my free time to learn more.